Friday, September 17, 2010

Project for Easter

Since I haven't blogged in a while I thought that I would catch you up on some of the projects I have completed.

This past Easter I was wanting to make something to put on our door like a wreath. To get in the spirit and all. I had seen this project on many of the blogs that I follow and thought that this would be easy to make.

Hot Glue gun
grape vein wreath
reindeer moss
wooden letter (L for our last name)
mod podge
scrapbook paper
paint brush
brown paint

I started to glue the moss down in patches all over the wreath.

The moss did turn my fingers green so you might want to wear gloves.

While I was working on the project I found that it looked better if you avoided putting moss on every vein. It made it look more rustic.

I then took scrapbook paper and tore it into pieces and mod podged the paper on the wooden letter until it was completely covered. I had some left over brown paint so I added water to it to make it thinner and lightly painted the brown all over the letter. I removed the excess paint with a paper towel.
I then made a bow and glued that and cotton seeds on the top of the wreath. It took me around an hour and a half to complete this project.

1 comment:

  1. This is cute-it turned out well! And I love your schnauzer!! I had one named Heidi growing up.
